Informativa estesa sui Cookie

Ai sensi dell’articolo 13 del Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali

I CookieI cookie sono righe di testo di piccole dimensioni che i siti web visitati da un utente inviano al suo browser. Il browser memorizza informazioni specifiche della navigazione dell’utente e le ritrasmette agli stessi siti durante le sue successive visite. I cookie delle terze parti sono impostati da siti web estranei, a causa della presenza di elementi che risiedono su server differenti da quello del sito visitato. I cookie si differenziano per finalità di utilizzo.

I Cookie Tecnici I Cookie tecnici sono utilizzati per "effettuare la trasmissione di una comunicazione su una rete di comunicazione elettronica, o nella misura strettamente necessaria al fornitore di un servizio della società dell’informazione esplicitamente richiesto dall’abbonato o dall’utente a erogare tale servizio" (cfr. art. 122, comma 1, del Codice). Le attività svolte dai cookie tecnici sono strettamente necessarie per la fruizione dei siti web che li contengono. Per l’installazione di tali cookie non è richiesto il consenso dell’utente visitatore ma il gestore del sito ha l’obbligo di dare l’informativa ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Codice.

I Cookie di Profilazione I cookie di profilazione tracciano la navigazione dell’utente e creano un profilo partendo dalle sue scelte e dalle sue abitudini di ricerca. In questo modo, l’utente può ricevere messaggi pubblicitari personalizzati e in linea con le preferenze manifestate durante la navigazione in rete. I cookie di profilazione possono essere installati soltanto dopo che l’utente è stato informato della loro presenza e ha acconsentito al loro uso.

I Cookie analiticiI cookie analitici monitorano il corretto funzionamento del sito web ed eseguono un’analisi statistica, raccogliendo informazioni in forma anonima. I cookie analitici sono erogati esclusivamente da terze parti.

Siti di terze parti in

I siti di terze parti, presenti su, non sono coperti da questa informativa. declina

ogni responsabilità in merito ad essi e rimanda alle informative dei relativi siti per le categorie di cookie utilizzate e il trattamento dei dati personali:

Vimeo //

Spotify //

Facebook //

Twitter //

Google Analitycs //

ShinyStat //

Per le informative e per disattivare i cookie analitici e di profilazione erogati da terze parti vai sul sito Il visitatore può impedire la memorizzazione dei cookie da parte di ShinyStat visitando //

Prestare il consenso su

Chiudendo il banner, scorrendo la pagina, cliccando su un link o proseguendo la navigazione in altra maniera, l’utente acconsente all’uso dei cookie.

Utilizzo dei cookie mediante le impostazioni dei browser

L’utente può gestire le preferenze inerenti ai cookie dal proprio browser.

In questo modo può impedire che parti terze installino i loro cookie e può eliminare i cookie installati in passato. Per maggiori informazioni sulla gestione dei cookie tramite browser, l’utente può consultare i seguenti collegamenti:



//" target=



Ulteriori informazioni sui trattamenti dei dati personali

Per ulteriori informazioni consultare i termini e condizioni e Privacy Policy oppure visita:

Cookies Policy

Cookies are small text files that contain information about your visit to our website and are stored on your computer or any other device able to browse the internet, for example a smartphone or tablet. We use these cookies to make browsing our site easier, to show you content that is relevant to your needs and interests and to help us speed up your future visits and activities on our website. The cookies assist and simplify the interaction between the user and the site and allow the site to remember your preferences and individual activity, thus saving time and contributing to easier and more efficient browsing. Cookies memorise information about your visit online (for example; language, number of visits and dimensions of text) and aid the implementation of various services (user registration, contents of your shopping cart, subscription to newsletters or updates on products, etc.). Cookies are also employed to create anonymous group statistics that let us analyse how visitors use our site, allowing us to improve the structure, content and services of this site. Any services present that do not offer complete anonymity will be found in the third-party cookies list and you may deny them consent, safeguarding your privacy. This site makes use of three different types of cookies:

  1. Essential cookies 

These cookies ensure that the site works in a correct and fluid manner: they allow you to navigate between pages, share content, they memorise your sign-in credentials making access to the site faster and they keep your preferences and credentials active during browsing and purchasing. Without these cookies we would be unable to provide the services which motivate the user to access this site.

  1. Statistical cookies 

These cookies help us understand how our users browse the site and navigate the online store so that we may assess and improve its performance and create content that best matches our visitors' preferences. For example, these cookies show us which are the most and least visited pages, how many people access the site, how long is spent on the site by most users and how they find us online. With this information we can find out which are the best features and which could be improved, while ensuring that site content is uploaded quickly and displayed appropriately. The information these cookies collect is anonymous and not associated with any of the user's personal data. These functions on our site are managed by third-party service providers who render the data anonymous and untraceable to any single individual.

  1. Third-party profiling cookies 

These cookies are distributed by third parties and not directly controlled or under the control of Desallive. Desallive does not therefore accept liability regarding the use of any information collected by the owners of these third-party cookies. The cookies provided by such third parties can offer advanced features as well as more information and personalisation. These include the ability to share content across social network platforms and to maintain a personalised online site experience on the basis of any preferences expressed on pages previously visited. These services are for the most part offered by external operators. If you browse using an account or if you use third-party services on other websites, these may be able to track a user who has visited our site. The use of the data collected by these external operators through cookies must adhere to the respective privacy policies that you will find on the link copied below. Third-party profiling cookies are identified by the names of their respective operators in the list indicated below which also contains the tools for managing or disabling them.

Managing your cookies

You can change the settings for downloaded cookies on your computer or mobile device through the appropriate feature on your browser. You may also block the installation of third-party cookies and remove previously installed cookies, including those that define your cookie preferences that you may have may have set here. To check or adjust the settings on your browser you need to consult the instruction manual or your browser's help window.

The instructions regarding cookies for the most widely-used browsers are available here 
Chrome : 
Internet Explorer:

Alternatively, to disable some or all cookies you can use the following tools. Disabling our cookies may affect your browsing experience, diminish efficiency in accessing certain parts of the site and erase preferences for future visits to the site. Remember to set the browser on your devices in a coherent manner so that each one may be adjusted to reflect your cookie preferences. Further detailed information on cookie features and how to enable or disable them on most browsers is available online at or For in-depth information and assistance with cookies used for advertising purposes visit




Google Analytics


Accept or block cookies

After the cookie banner has been displayed you will be accepting Desallive's Cookie Policy, their settings and use by clicking on any part of the screen or scrolling the page to see further content. If the site is immediately exited before the cookies have been accepted, any eventual cookies already registered locally on your browser will remain there but will neither be read or used until an eventual future acceptance of this policy. You may choose to remove these cookies at any moment through the sites referred to in the “Cookie management” paragraph or by using the tools for disabling them shown above.

Data processing

The control of the data processing, the means of exercising the rights granted by the Italian Legislative Decree 196/2013 and the contact information for enforcing those rights are all indicated in the privacy policy.


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